
EricRyanisaCrook.com was created to provide information to the public and those affected by Eric Ryan. It is meant to be a tool for people to share their thoughts, information and feedback. The information posted is USER submitted content.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Eric's Clients

Below is a list of Eric's clients along with how to contact them.  (he has removed all external links to his services and portfolios since the latest scandal)

People have the right to know what to expect when working with "Studio Ryan". 

pets in the city 

Big City Diner Corporate Office (did the point of purchase display for Costco)
94-800 Ukee Street, Suite 305
Waipahu, Hawaii 96797
Phone (808) 678-3895/ Fax (808) 678-3896
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm

Hanover Holdings
The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc.
440 Lincoln Street
Worcester, MA 01653-0002

Haupu Kele - doesn't seem to exist

Ruby Tuesday Corporate Office
150 West Church Avenue Maryville, TN 37801


  1. Most of this is probably lies. They will be like Eric WHO?

  2. The real crime here is that he calls himself a designer... dear lord that is an ugly site. I guess you CAN judge a book by its cover... or in this case web site.

  3. You need to work the writing skills on this site.


Do you have something to report, would like to response or share your experiences? We want to hear from you!