
EricRyanisaCrook.com was created to provide information to the public and those affected by Eric Ryan. It is meant to be a tool for people to share their thoughts, information and feedback. The information posted is USER submitted content.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


He will be on again this Sunday


Previously Mr. Carroll did not take any calls or read any of the questions to Ryan that were submitted by those against Ryan. He clearly was on his side.

Carroll, you need to do your job. If you are truly trying to get the truth, take calls and read the questions that Eric hasn't already chosen or prepared for. 

To submit questions or the link to this site,  send to carroll@carrollcox.com or call in at 808-524-1080

Friday, July 29, 2011


New evidence discovered 

Eric Ryan is guilty of more felonies for financial fraud and forging legal documents. Stay tuned for the evidence to revealed very soon!

Eric will be back on the Carroll Cox show on 7/31 Sunday from 8 to 10 AM on 1080am.   To hear last weeks show, and get more information on next weeks show click here.

Recently warned that there were multiple failed login attempts to this blog.  Someone is trying to get in.  I wonder who?

Latest Hawaii Reporter Story

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Eric Ryan back on the Carroll Cox show Sunday from 8 to 10 AM on 1080AM.

  Eric will be back on the Carroll Cox show on 7/31 Sunday from 8 to 10 AM on 1080AM.
 Here is the audio of last Sundays Show.  http://carrollcox.com/Show072411.htm

He will be on again this Sunday so don't forget to send in your questions and call in.  

Previously Mr. Carroll did not take any calls or read any of the questions to Ryan that were submitted by those against Ryan. He clearly was on his side.

Carroll, you need to do your job. If you are truly trying to get the truth, take calls and read the questions that Eric hasn't already chosen or prepared for. 

To submit questions send to carroll@carrollcox.com or call in at 808-524-1080

If you are unhappy with Carroll be sure to tell KWAI 1080:

Station # 808-523-3868
Fax # for station is 808-531-6532
Barry Wagenvoord - General Manager E-mail: radio@hawaii.com

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The victims speak out. What Eric doesn't want you to know!

Eric's history of lies

In the early 1990's Eric Ryan was the first student in Chaminade history to be convicted of forging student signatures and election ballots thus beginning his career of graphic design so he continue forging documents.  He later took Chaminade to court for defamation of character.

About the same time he also tried to sue Andy Anderson for defamation of character and lost. A judge doesn't believe him and the complaint is dismissed.

Eric stiffs creditors and makes clients pay more than he owes....

In 2008, DTC Investments took Eric Ryan to court for not paying his office rent at 1001 Dillingham Blvd STE 303, Honolulu, HI 96817.   He claims he paid them.  A judge doesn't believe him and orders him to pay $10,851. (Public Record, Civil court document 1Rc08-1-10801)

Currently capitol one and the Kai Makana community association is also in collections with Ryan who has not paid his bills owed to them.  (See this on the Hawaii State Judiciary Hooiki website)

Ryan tells a sob story to John Carroll about how he was taken advantage of.  John Carroll represents him for free and gives him a $6,000 loan so Eric can pay his mortgage.

About the same time he is being fired from Stop Rail Now where he lead the campaign.  He was fired for not being able to come up with receipts for expenditures and for making unauthorized expenditures.

After he is fired he comes up with new invoices that Stop Rail Leaders never saw before.  Despite paying Ryan over $4000 a month, Ryan claims money is still owed and he takes over Stop Rail websites as his own and claims he owns their logo.  Stop Rail moves on instead of fighting Ryan who also stole their email list and tries to fund raise on their old sites keeping the money.

Meanwhile, Ryan convinces Carroll that he could help him in his office in exchange for free rent while he gets back on his feet.  Carroll loans Ryan more money to pay his mortgage.  Carroll decides to run for Governor and appoints Ryan as his campaign manager.

Carroll later fires Ryan and asks him to leave his office after Ryan cannot produce receipts for campaign expenditures that he charged the Carroll campaign and for violent outbursts and threatening remarks to volunteers.  Ryan calls himself a whistle blower to the campaign spending commission that Carroll laundered money (same claim he is making about Pine).   He sends Carroll new invoices saying they are past due ( same thing he did to pine).  These invoices were never seen before.  He files lengthy complaints to the Campaign Spending Commission claiming corruption and that he was fired for being a whisleblower.  he entered one document of a forged contract between Carroll and Ryan that Carroll was to give Ryan $6000 a month in pay as evidence.

This is the same amount John gave to Eric to help him out as a favor! The document was deemed a forgery.

Ryan claims Carroll still owes him money.

He takes over Carroll's websites and email contacts and harasses him and his contacts for months.

At last, the story behind the check for $3150

In 2010, Kym Pine pays Daniel Brackins $2000 to develop a website for her 2010 campaign.
Brackins disappears and moves to the mainland.  Eric Ryan starts calling Pine asking why her website is not being updated.  Unknown to Pine, Brackins has been Ryan's business partner since 2007.  With just a couple months left before the election Pine is unable to get another web designer so she hires Ryan for a month and a half.   Pine pays Ryan over $3000 for what he calls a "Rush job".

The election is over and Pine asks for the password codes of her website that he changed.  Pine is unable to get return calls for several months.   In April Ryan gives Pine an invoice for over $2000 saying she can have her website back if she pays this invoice.  He claims it is 6 months past due.  Neither Pine nor her treasurer have ever seen the invoice before.

Pine agrees to pay it through her spokesperson John Gollner but wants Ryan to sign documents that she will no longer owe him any more money.  Ryan says she must keep him on as her designer till after the 2012 election and must sign documents endorsing him for 5 years.  She refuses to endorse him and to keep him on staff.  Ryan illegally takes over Pine's legislative website (which he never designed and is run by pine's legislative staff) and takes over her campaign website with the help of his business partner Daniel Brackins who registered the website domains in his name unknown to Pine.

An FBI agent tells Brackins to not give website ownership to Ryan.  Pine also pleads with Brackins not to give the sites to Ryan who is harassing Pine.  Despite this, Brackins gives the sites to Ryan and he continues his harassment, steals her email list and sends out libelous statements about Pine.

Brackins, who had not done any work for Pine since early 2010.  Tells a reporter that Pine owes him money too. He doesn't tell the reporter that he was Ryan's business partner since 2007.  Pine has never received any invoices from Brackins since she last paid him.

Brackins website shows he is with Edeleman PR .  He also lists clients such as Adidas,  Microsoft, Bush/Cheney, Adidas, ABC, FOX, JcPenney, Hertz, Mercedes, Victoria Secret and more.  It is unclear how he or why he partnered with Ryan.

There is more to come, it will be posted as its reviewed. STAY TUNED.

 EricRyanisaCrook.com was created to provide information to the public and those affected by Eric Ryan.  It is meant to be a tool for people to share their thoughts, information and feedback.  The information posted is USER submitted content.  EricRyanisaCrook.com's role is to organize this data and publish it and when possible, research facts which will be cited .  

* Anonymous comments and submissions have been allowed to allow those affected to tell their stories and information safely without the fear of being further victimized.

The truth about Studio Ryan

 There is no Studio Ryan?

According to the State of Hawaii "Studio Ryan" is not legally registered as a business.  Eric's invoices, documents, websites and his own statements repeatedly say "ERIC RYAN dba STUDIO RYAN".  Studio Ryan adds tax to his invoices. SO where is this tax money going?  Research is currently being done to find out if Eric Ryan has paid GET to the State of Hawaii.  More to come.

EricRyanisaCrook.com was created to provide information to the public and those affected by Eric Ryan. It is meant to be a tool for people to share their thoughts, information and feedback. The information posted is USER submitted content. EricRyanisaCrook.com's role is to organize this data and publish it and when possible, research facts which will be cited .

* Anonymous comments and submissions have been allowed to allow those affected to tell their stories and information safely without the fear of being further victimized.

Eric's Clients

Below is a list of Eric's clients along with how to contact them.  (he has removed all external links to his services and portfolios since the latest scandal)

People have the right to know what to expect when working with "Studio Ryan". 

pets in the city 

Big City Diner Corporate Office (did the point of purchase display for Costco)
94-800 Ukee Street, Suite 305
Waipahu, Hawaii 96797
Phone (808) 678-3895/ Fax (808) 678-3896
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm

Hanover Holdings
The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc.
440 Lincoln Street
Worcester, MA 01653-0002

Haupu Kele - doesn't seem to exist

Ruby Tuesday Corporate Office
150 West Church Avenue Maryville, TN 37801