
EricRyanisaCrook.com was created to provide information to the public and those affected by Eric Ryan. It is meant to be a tool for people to share their thoughts, information and feedback. The information posted is USER submitted content.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

BREAKING NEWS - Eric Ryan Arrested!

The rumors are now confirmed.  

As seen in the images below, Eric Ryan was arrested by Honolulu Police for violating a restraining order against Kymberly Pine.   

More information coming, stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no lol! Was waiting for either this or him being put in an ambulance in a straight jacket. I do love that he is wearing a Citizen Patrol shirt. That just makes him seem even crazier. SO was he home on a Sunday, trolling the internet in his little tshirt, when the police just showed up??


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